Kindness Links & ResourcesNational Kindness Websites Acts of Kindness - National Random Acts of Kindness Links to stories about Seeds of Kindness Lots of great press for Kindness Week! Kindness abounds in the Mother Lode Students unite to spread kindness This Week Calaveras County Proclaimed A 'Kindness Zone' Help Spread The Seeds of Kindness Next Week! Kindness Week culminates in love -- Pictures of 2013 Kindness Flyovers Enterprise Article: Seeds of Kindness helps goodwill grow Union Democrat Article: Preparing for Kindness Week The Very Best City Council Meeting of the Year Calaveras Declared Kindness Zone | MyMotherLode.com Watch the Kindness Essay Readings via The Pine Tree Kindness Goes Viral By Dana Nichols | Published: February 10, 2010 Sarah Lunsford's Inside View with the Kindness Crusaders Mark Twain School District Kindness Heroes Essay Contest Winners Kindness Spreading In Calaveras County (Enterprise 1/25/10) Kindness Crusade Spreads Across Calaveras Pass Along Ripples of Kindness (by Jan Hovey) Kindness resolution goes before county-board Seeds of Kindness Goes Countywide Acts of kindness seen in Angels and beyond 02/17/09 Angels Students Exchange Words of Kindness 02/20/08 Kindness Heros Essay Contest 2006 Pupils spread kindness with random acts
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